Saturday, April 11, 2009

Miscue by ASU

There is actually a very sound reason why Arizona State University should not give an honorary degree to President Obama. Look at the list of past recipients of the honor. See who's missing?

They've never conferred such a distinction on John McCain. And if ASU has not seen fit to give an honorary degree to a man who spent years in an enemy prison camp, who served the state in Congress for so many years, and a man who, if Arizona voters had their way, would be in the Oval Office right now, why should a university that represents the state and draws money from its taxpayers salute Obama before him?

On the other hand, since ASU has awarded honorary degrees to Hugh Downs and Erma Bombeck, maybe we shouldn't take the whole matter so seriously...

1 comment:

SueMac said...

"And if ASU has not seen fit to give an honorary degree to a man who spent years in an enemy prison camp, who served the state in Congress for so many years, and a man who, if Arizona voters had their way, would be in the Oval Office right now, why should a university that represents the state and draws money from its taxpayers salute Obama before him?"

Um, because he lost?